Reducing HMO Energy Costs

Written by: Daniel CoeSeptember 29, 2022

The new energy cap comes into force from 1 October 2022. As an HMO Letting Agent, our HMO Landlords have asked for advice about the best solutions for controlling energy costs when managing HMO property during the current cost of living crisis. Here are suggestions we've shared with the housemates in the HMO rental properties we manage.

Central Heating

Turning down the thermostat by 1C can save hundreds of pounds a year. We've explained to housemates that operating the heating at 19C instead of 21C is sufficient to keep a well-insulated house warm. Our central heating has a temporary boost function for when it's chilly.

Adjusting the thermostatic radiator valve in a warm room is a better option than opening the window. Trickle vents fitted to modern windows help to prevent damp and can stop a room feeling too warm.


Use a 30C cycle whenever possible - modern detergents are still effective on a cool wash. Warmer temperatures are only necessary for really dirty or stained clothes. 

Organise your laundry and wait until you have a full load before using the washing machine. 

In cold weather, it's sometimes not possible to use a clothes dryer. Use a high spin programme, so your clothes come out of the washing machine almost dry. The clothes need less time in the tumble dryer.


Grill vegetables and other food instead of roasting. Macaroni cheese or cottage pie can be heated fully in the microwave and finished off under the grill for a few minutes to brown the top.

Speed up cooking time by using smaller ingredients: orzo instead of larger pasta shapes, for instance, or baking two small potatoes rather than a huge one. Cut vegetables into small cubes before cooking.

Electrical Goods

Laptops, Smart TVs, games consoles and lights should all be switched off when leaving the house. Even standby mode uses some electricity which can be significant in a shared house.

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